Dear PA-502 CoC HUD Continuum of Care Grantees,
The PA-502 Continuum of Care (CoC), operating locally as the Homeless Services Coalition of Delaware County (HSC), is soliciting Letters of Intent for renewal projects, including Expansion of renewal projects, for possible inclusion in the HUD FY24 Continuum of Care Grant Competition. As required by HUD, the PA-502 CoC Governing Board will review all renewal projects for possible reduction or elimination based on their previous performance and ability to meet current needs and gaps in homeless services. HUD should release the FY24 Grant Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in the next several weeks. To learn more about the CoC/HSC and the FY24 local grant competition, please scroll to the section below titled: What is the PA-502 Delaware County, Continuum of Care (COC)?
Renewal Project Applicant Instructions:
Renewal Project applicants must submit Letter of Intent Form(s) for all renewal projects on or before Friday, May 31, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST to be eligible for inclusion in the PA-502 CoC FY24 grant application submitted to HUD.
Please use this link to submit the LOI Form:
The LOI form questions are available below and can be downloaded for reference in preparation for submitting your LOI. If you have any questions, please contact: Jason D. Alexander, MPP